Amber B.
Mom to a 3 year old and 1 older child
Walnut Creek, California
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Mom to a 3 year old and 1 older child
Walnut Creek, California
Car only
Fully loaded
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Amber loves this!
"Having the bassinet for my newborn was so amazing. When they're that young a regular stroller just doesn't feel safe and I didn't want to always have him in his car seat, so this was a great option."
Amber loves this!
"Love this whole car seat system. The seat always felt locked in, never "loose". I always felt more than secure having my baby locked and loaded and ready to go with this base and car seat! "
Amber loves this!
"I loved the look of this seat as well as knowing how safe my baby was in it"
Amber loves this!
"One of our go to snacks"
Amber loves this!
"This thing is a life saver! I would mix up a days worth of bottles in the morning and this pitcher mixed everything perfectly. No clumps left over. Perfect creamy formula & easy to clean. No spill lid"
Amber loves this!
"My in-laws bought this for my son in his first week of life and it has been our nightly routine to turn it on and never missed a night yet and reminds my husband if he tries to put him down without it"
Amber loves this!
"I use this to seal in the diaper rash ointment whenever I see a rash creeping up. It does a great job on that and keeping the skin moisturized"
Amber regrets this!
"Way too much money to have my nursery smelling and didn't do what it promised. I was not impressed at all. "
Amber loves this!
"These are so amazing when it comes to getting your little ones nose as clean as possible, as fast as possible. They are a miracle! I even sing a song every time I use them, 'Boogie Nights', but wipes"
Amber loves this!
"At first my little guy showed no interest in this, then around 5 months he absolutely LOVED it!"
Amber loves this!
"My son has been playing with this table every day for the last year! It helped him learn to stand by giving him a fun reason to! The sounds are pleasant from a parents perspective"
Amber loves this!
"Received this as a gift when my baby was just born. He started showing interest in it when he was about 4 months old. He's almost 2 and he still loves playing with it! "
Amber loves this!
"Even at almost 2, my boy still loves playing with these!"
Amber loves this!
"A classic that every child should have at some point in their early childhood. "
Amber regrets this!
"Pretty much the only brand my son wears. Great clothes at am affordable price!"
Amber loves this!
"This comes in handy after childbirth. Very handy. And it doesn't sting or burn"
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Amber wants this!
Amber wants this!
"Looks so plush and comfy and above all, safe, my little one would love it!"
Amber wants this!
Amber wants this!
"This would be perfect for me to use with my son in his play room. "
Amber wants this!
"My little guy loves cars and would go crazy for this"
Amber wants this!
"Have been eyeballing these for a while, other children seem to love them so I'm interested to see my sons take on them. "
Amber wants this!
"So adorable! What toddler wouldn't love this? And what parent wouldn't love to see it on their toddler?"
Amber wants this!
"What mom doesn't want one of these? With the amount of cooking and baking I do, it's a crime that I don't! Lol"
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