Amanda M.
Mom to a 4 year old, a 2 year old, a 19 month old and 1 older child
Cinnaminson, New Jersey
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Mom to a 4 year old, a 2 year old, a 19 month old and 1 older child
Cinnaminson, New Jersey
Car only
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Amanda loves this!
"Used this with 3 babies. Lightweight easy to fold/unfold"
Amanda regrets this!
"I don’t feel I have a great opinion on this because I’m not sure if I’m using it right - it hurts! "
Amanda loves this!
"Helps with clogged ducts "
Amanda loves this!
"LO loved this"
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Amanda wants this!
"Would love to try, hear good things"
Amanda wants this!
"Love to try this! "
Amanda wants this!
"I’d love to try this we sleep with sleep sounds on Amazon but if internet goes down we all wake up"
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