365 Everyday Value diapers
what parents are saying
Run small. Are strong. They're narrow in the back so we've had a few blowouts. (Jan 26, 2015)
Abby A.
as seen on weelists
what parents are saying
- Erin D.
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Bought a small pack at whole foods when we ran out and was amazed at how great they worked! They're the least expensive diapers I've found (shocking for whole foods) and not a single blow out for us! Apr 19, 2019
- Abby A.
Austin, Texas
Run small. Are strong. They're narrow in the back so we've had a few blowouts. Jan 26, 2015
- Erin D.
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Bought a small pack at whole foods when we ran out and was amazed at how great they worked! They're the least expensive diapers I've found (shocking for whole foods) and not a single blow out for us! Apr 19, 2019
- Abby A.
Austin, Texas
Run small. Are strong. They're narrow in the back so we've had a few blowouts. Jan 26, 2015
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