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Reviews for

Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo

LOVE: 1913 NEUTRAL: 672
REGRET: 61 WANT: 695

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what parents are saying

Shona M.


It’s no secret that parents don’t get much of a break from baby. Enter: the Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo, as a total sanity saver. It lights up and plays music to keep baby entertained and includes lot of toys. Your little one can jump to their heart’s content, giving their parents a break to cook or clean (and maybe even tire themselves out in the process!).

The Catch: As with most activity centers, this will take up a ton of space.

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what parents are saying

LOVE: 1913 NEUTRAL: 672
REGRET: 61 WANT: 695

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  • Q: How early can you put your baby in this? How much head control should he have to be ready? Thanks!

    asked by Selena H. - Apr 02, 2014

  • We started at about 5 or 6 months -- but even at the lowest setting, our baby's feet didn't reach the floor (so there wasn't much jumping). He LOVED it for a couple months, and then got tired being "trapped" in it.

    Allyson D. - Apr 11, 2014


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