what parents are saying
My LO loves to grab and kick this ball around. It has a little bell on the inside so it makes some noise when it's moved around, which she loves. Easy for her to wrap both her hands around it and "bang" on. Wish it had some type of velcro closure on the long pieces so I could hang it from my LO's car seat or playmat. (Sep 12, 2018)
Nicki O.
what parents are saying
- Nicki O.
United States of America
My LO loves to grab and kick this ball around. It has a little bell on the inside so it makes some noise when it's moved around, which she loves. Easy for her to wrap both her hands around it and "bang" on. Wish it had some type of velcro closure on the long pieces so I could hang it from my LO's car seat or playmat. Sep 12, 2018
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