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  3. Reviews for Fisher-Price My Little Snugabunny Deluxe Bouncer
Reviews for

Fisher-Price My Little Snugabunny Deluxe Bouncer

LOVE: 314 NEUTRAL: 165
REGRET: 34 WANT: 108

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Donna B.

what parents are saying

LOVE: 314 NEUTRAL: 165
REGRET: 34 WANT: 108

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  • Q: Does this bounce automatically? My girl loves to be bounced but my arms get tired (I'm out of shape!)

    asked by Katie D. - Mar 26, 2014

  • Not really - it has a vibrate function but it doesn't really bounce on its own. However when my daughter was a newborn (with reflux!) we would sometimes have her nap in this and just use a foot to bounce it for a few minutes until she fell asleep.

    Amanda H. - Mar 26, 2014

  • The vibration is pretty weak but you can use your foot to bounce.

    Parry C. - Mar 26, 2014

  • As others have said, there is a vibration, but it doesn't actually "bounce." I bounce it with my foot to facilitate the bouncing for my daughter.

    Christine S. - Mar 26, 2014


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