Jessica B.
Mom to a 3 year old and a 2 year old
Franklin, Indiana
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Mom to a 3 year old and a 2 year old
Franklin, Indiana
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Jessica loves this!
"Absolutely love for multiple uses. I have a spatula to apply and don’t regret it"
Jessica loves this!
"Did not expect to love this as much as I do. It is so easy to apply and works great. There is a lock on the sprayer too so it nosey littles can’t just start spraying it everywhere "
Jessica has this!
"The trauma it causes trying to wrestle my daughter to get this in her nose is not worth the minimal amount of help it provides. By the time she is done crying she’s produced more snot than she had"
Jessica has this!
"A must have for kids under 3. Gentle and really do get anything sticky and icky off of their faces/hands. "
Jessica loves this!
"The versatility of this couch is amazing. It really helped develop my daughter’s motor skills. It can be used as a climber, a nap pad, a mini couch, a changing area, and it holds up so well "
Jessica has this!
"This was really nice for my daughter until she started pulling herself up on things. It is kind of flimsy and easy to push around so it wasn’t sturdy. She would just push it and scoot the whole thing"
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