Jocelyn L.
Mom to a 16 month old
Swansea, Illinois
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Mom to a 16 month old
Swansea, Illinois
Car only
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Jocelyn loves this!
"I absolutely love the Nuna Pipa Lite infant car seat! It was a total game-changer for my firstborn, and I definitely plan to use it for my next baby (whenever that may be)."
Jocelyn loves this!
"Received this through my insurance and I love how easy and customizable this pump was while I used it. Although it is now packed away, I do plan to use it again with my next baby in the future. "
Jocelyn has this!
"I used this a few times, and I liked it. "
Jocelyn loves this!
"Received this as a gift from a friend and son truly has enjoyed this from about 6 months and still to this day. I love that it is able to grow with him, as we will eventually convert it into a table. "
Jocelyn loves this!
"THIS ONE IS A NECESSITY AFTER HAVING A BABY! I swear my this stuff, definitely kept me feeling comfortable after giving birth to my son. I will definitely use this again n the future with my second. "
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Jocelyn wants this!
"My family and I travel quite a bit and this would be perfect to take along with us to ensure my son always has a safe sleep space. "
Jocelyn wants this!
"My son would absolutely love this, it would be perfect for him to lay on as he watches him some Ms. Rachel and drinks his bottom. Let’s not forget t would make fort building so much more fun!"
Jocelyn wants this!
"I am not much of a cooker but I absolutely love to make and one of these would definitely be a game changer when it comes to me and baking!"
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