what parents are saying
Great for both my both 1 year old an 2 year old. My tolddler is tall so most of the strollers her feet is past the foot rest but this is perfect. Also easy to push with one hand. Just amazing (Jan 30, 2019)
Carol L.
as seen on weelists
what parents are saying
- Alyssa M.
Coopersburg, Pennsylvania
We wish they sold more in the states Feb 28, 2021
- Carol L.
Brooklyn, New York
Great for both my both 1 year old an 2 year old. My tolddler is tall so most of the strollers her feet is past the foot rest but this is perfect. Also easy to push with one hand. Just amazing Jan 30, 2019
- Jennifer G.
Leesburg , Georgia
My sister has this stroller. Folds super small and easy. Rides well. Seems a bit small on the first glance. Her two year old is slightly short and pudgy and seems to fill the seat already. Looks great Jan 20, 2019
- Ana G.
El Cajon, California
I LOVE the weight and one-handed fold. It is a lifesaver every time! My only complaint is that the wheels lose tread really easily. My wheels lost all its tread in less than 6 months. Jan 10, 2019
- Brittany G.
Toronto, Canada
Love that it folds up so much smaller than most umbrella strollers, yet doesn't compromise on function or looks! Apr 18, 2017
- Monica J.
San Francisco, California
Folds small, lightweight, decent shade and recline. Mar 17, 2017
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(including your friends’ reviews!)
- Alyssa M.
Coopersburg, Pennsylvania
We wish they sold more in the states Feb 28, 2021
- Carol L.
Brooklyn, New York
Great for both my both 1 year old an 2 year old. My tolddler is tall so most of the strollers her feet is past the foot rest but this is perfect. Also easy to push with one hand. Just amazing Jan 30, 2019
- Jennifer G.
Leesburg , Georgia
My sister has this stroller. Folds super small and easy. Rides well. Seems a bit small on the first glance. Her two year old is slightly short and pudgy and seems to fill the seat already. Looks great Jan 20, 2019
- Ana G.
El Cajon, California
I LOVE the weight and one-handed fold. It is a lifesaver every time! My only complaint is that the wheels lose tread really easily. My wheels lost all its tread in less than 6 months. Jan 10, 2019
- Brittany G.
Toronto, Canada
Love that it folds up so much smaller than most umbrella strollers, yet doesn't compromise on function or looks! Apr 18, 2017
- Monica J.
San Francisco, California
Folds small, lightweight, decent shade and recline. Mar 17, 2017
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