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  3. Reviews for Olababy Trimmo Electric Baby Nail Trimmer
Reviews for

Olababy Trimmo Electric Baby Nail Trimmer


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what parents are saying

Lacey V.

what parents are saying

  • This is useful to smooth out the edges of already clipped nails. I didn't see it as effective for actual trimming. It rubbed against baby's skin before it made much of a difference in nail length. Sep 20, 2019

  • We love this nail trimmer! Its quiet compared to the other ones on the market and it's super cool because its usb rechargeable so i can just pop it in the car or my laptop if i need it to be charged. its also super cute and has the other trimming heads stored in the case so i can just pop it in my bag. My wife loves the color and light because she usually trims our babies nails when they are asleep overall a great item and its super cute and convenient Oct 20, 2016

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Parents' Reviews
  • This is useful to smooth out the edges of already clipped nails. I didn't see it as effective for actual trimming. It rubbed against baby's skin before it made much of a difference in nail length. Sep 20, 2019

  • We love this nail trimmer! Its quiet compared to the other ones on the market and it's super cool because its usb rechargeable so i can just pop it in the car or my laptop if i need it to be charged. its also super cute and has the other trimming heads stored in the case so i can just pop it in my bag. My wife loves the color and light because she usually trims our babies nails when they are asleep overall a great item and its super cute and convenient Oct 20, 2016

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