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  3. Reviews for Little Tikes Ultimate Beach Ball Sprinkler
Reviews for

Little Tikes Ultimate Beach Ball Sprinkler


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what parents are saying

Missy T.

what parents are saying

    • Tara T.
    • Mehoopany, Pennsylvania

    Worked great for the first few days then the water would hardly come out and spray anymore Dec 23, 2020

  • We loved this sprinkler ball! The kids and adults had so much fun with it. However we only got use out of it because a connecter came loose from the inside so the water just filled up in it. Oct 22, 2019

  • We got this for my son who is 2 and he loved it so much we bought it as gifts for friends kids as birthday presents. You do need a air compressor to blow up but easy to use. Great for 1 kid or a few! Aug 06, 2019

  • Love this! Great for hot summer days! We have had it for 5 years, and its still working great! Love how you can control how much water pressure comes out with the hose! Mar 21, 2019

  • This was a huge let down. It worked well the first time, and then downhill from there. The water shooting out was very weak Mar 15, 2019

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    • Tara T.
    • Mehoopany, Pennsylvania

    Worked great for the first few days then the water would hardly come out and spray anymore Dec 23, 2020

  • We loved this sprinkler ball! The kids and adults had so much fun with it. However we only got use out of it because a connecter came loose from the inside so the water just filled up in it. Oct 22, 2019

  • We got this for my son who is 2 and he loved it so much we bought it as gifts for friends kids as birthday presents. You do need a air compressor to blow up but easy to use. Great for 1 kid or a few! Aug 06, 2019

  • Love this! Great for hot summer days! We have had it for 5 years, and its still working great! Love how you can control how much water pressure comes out with the hose! Mar 21, 2019

  • This was a huge let down. It worked well the first time, and then downhill from there. The water shooting out was very weak Mar 15, 2019

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