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Reviews for

Munchkin Duck Bath Tub

LOVE: 270 NEUTRAL: 110

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Kali P.

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LOVE: 270 NEUTRAL: 110

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  • Q: Has anyone used this at the beach?

    asked by Tiffany J. - Sep 26, 2014

  • I don't think it is meant for that, but it would probably work.

    Sheri S. - Sep 26, 2014

  • it might work. I imagine it would tip easily if you plan to let it float, but if your babe is small enough to be in it youll probably be staying close by and holding it anyway. id also be careful using it in the sand because of course its inflatable so it may pop. if you put it on a blanket and put some sea water in it, itd probably be a fun way for baby to experience the salt water.

    Amber M. - Sep 26, 2014

  • I would suggest being a little wary of this, only because I have this horrible vision of the thing tipping over with baby inside in to the water. Without the leg holes that traditional baby floaties have, you don't have quite as much balance. But I agree, using it on the beach itself and not in the water sounds fun, just watch out of poppable things! :-)

    Kali P. - Sep 26, 2014

  • I wouldn't use it beyond manufacturer's intended use. That's how recalls get started. I am sure among the gobillion other baby products out there, there is one meant to be used as a beach floatie that is safer.

    Kathleen P. - Sep 29, 2014


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