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Reviews for

UpSpring Baby Milkmulti Postnatal Drinkable Vitamin


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what parents are saying

Nicole j.

what parents are saying

  • I really like the idea of this and I do like the vitamin itself. However, the taste is terrible. I have found mixing it with 6 to 8 ounces of orange juice in a shaker bottle helps mask the flavor. Feb 18, 2018

  • I tried water and I couldn't get it all to dissolve and then tried sparkling water (Perrier) and it de-carbonated it (if that's even a real word)...BUT with real orange juice I really don't mind it!! Feb 25, 2015

  • Great tasting AND encourages me to drink more water. Easy, flavorful way to get my vitamins. Feb 18, 2015

  • Honestly the taste isn't the best! But the nutrition and the boost of energy without the use of caffeine make it worth it! I also saw a difference in my postpartum hair fallout! Feb 18, 2015

    • Angela P.
    • Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts

    While I loved the idea of this at first, it really didn't live up to expectations. I don't love the flavor and the sugar doesn't dissolve. Seems easier to just swallow a pill. Feb 17, 2015

    Thanks for sharing your feedback. For moms not wanting to shallow pills you can enhance the flavor by adding juice or sparkling water. Feb 17, 2015

  • I'm sensitive to vitamins and couldn't keep the packet down. I managed to choke down the unpleasant tasting mixture, but it didn't stay. Probably best to have a VERY substantial meal before trying. Feb 16, 2015

    We are so sorry to hear this Grace. Some people are more sensitive to vitamins so yes not taking on an empty stomach should help. Feb 17, 2015

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  • I really like the idea of this and I do like the vitamin itself. However, the taste is terrible. I have found mixing it with 6 to 8 ounces of orange juice in a shaker bottle helps mask the flavor. Feb 18, 2018

  • I tried water and I couldn't get it all to dissolve and then tried sparkling water (Perrier) and it de-carbonated it (if that's even a real word)...BUT with real orange juice I really don't mind it!! Feb 25, 2015

  • Great tasting AND encourages me to drink more water. Easy, flavorful way to get my vitamins. Feb 18, 2015

  • Honestly the taste isn't the best! But the nutrition and the boost of energy without the use of caffeine make it worth it! I also saw a difference in my postpartum hair fallout! Feb 18, 2015

    • Angela P.
    • Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts

    While I loved the idea of this at first, it really didn't live up to expectations. I don't love the flavor and the sugar doesn't dissolve. Seems easier to just swallow a pill. Feb 17, 2015

    Thanks for sharing your feedback. For moms not wanting to shallow pills you can enhance the flavor by adding juice or sparkling water. Feb 17, 2015

  • I'm sensitive to vitamins and couldn't keep the packet down. I managed to choke down the unpleasant tasting mixture, but it didn't stay. Probably best to have a VERY substantial meal before trying. Feb 16, 2015

    We are so sorry to hear this Grace. Some people are more sensitive to vitamins so yes not taking on an empty stomach should help. Feb 17, 2015

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