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Baby Signing Time DVD Collection


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what parents are saying

Kristalynn D.

what parents are saying

  • Love these. We watch them everyday and my 5 month old watches their hands and tries to mimic. The songs are memorable and are always stuck in my head, but is great for teaching purposes. May 04, 2020

  • These dvds are great. Both my kids love these and they’ve been especially helpful for my autistic and nonverbal preschooler. He’s not only signs but also is saying the words. Feb 17, 2020

    • Kate B.
    • Lake orion, Michigan

    LOVE these! They’re a bit cheesy but son loves them and he knows over 100 signs at just over 1 year old! SO helpful to communicate before able to speak words! Aug 05, 2019

    • Erin N.
    • Hampstead, North Carolina

    Great for children with special needs that are using sign to supplement their communication skills. Have worked with many non verbal kids that have really enjoyed these videos. Aug 04, 2019

  • My twins are 16mo and know 2dozen signs. Its amazing to be able to communicate with them, and have them tell me when they are hungry, thirsty, tired, cold, or in pain. We watch 1 episode each day. Jan 03, 2019

  • I nannied for three children who loved these videos and will be buying them for my baby. The videos are engaging for little ones and teach them communication. Helpful even after they start talking! Oct 12, 2018

    • Becca R.
    • United States of America

    LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! I used these DVDs in my classroom and will now watch them with my little one. Aug 31, 2018

    • Amber L.
    • Charlotte, North Carolina

    This is a great way for your child to learn sign language for early communication. My daughter has always asks for it. I did the digital version so I could have on the go through the app. Feb 21, 2018

  • This is a must have especially for moms with kids with special needs! The little girl I used to nanny had Down syndrome and this series is what helped us all communicate. Jan 03, 2018

    • Kat U.
    • Sydney/ Manly, Australia

    I don't recommend the dvds, but get the digital version from the website. If you have met Zoe, she is a signing Queen! She loves it and we loved how it gave us an ability to communicate with her. Jan 03, 2017

  • We got these from the library initially and started with just the first volume around 7 months. At 10 months, my son started attempting to sign back to me. Oct 08, 2016

  • Have been using this product with baby since he was 4 months old. He's almost 6 months and not signing yet. I love the bonding time we have using the signs when we watch the videos and read stories Mar 14, 2016

  • The original signing time videos are better. These have more animation which was too much stimulation for my little one. Feb 03, 2016

  • Our first 2 kids LOVED these (& they really helped! and not annoying!) and our 3rd just sped right past them. Jul 11, 2015

  • Baby signing time DVDs are fabulous! Sign language is taught to babies and children through songs, it is beneficial with speech, communication, and brain development. I highly recommend the entire series. Oct 07, 2014

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  • Love these. We watch them everyday and my 5 month old watches their hands and tries to mimic. The songs are memorable and are always stuck in my head, but is great for teaching purposes. May 04, 2020

  • These dvds are great. Both my kids love these and they’ve been especially helpful for my autistic and nonverbal preschooler. He’s not only signs but also is saying the words. Feb 17, 2020

    • Kate B.
    • Lake orion, Michigan

    LOVE these! They’re a bit cheesy but son loves them and he knows over 100 signs at just over 1 year old! SO helpful to communicate before able to speak words! Aug 05, 2019

    • Erin N.
    • Hampstead, North Carolina

    Great for children with special needs that are using sign to supplement their communication skills. Have worked with many non verbal kids that have really enjoyed these videos. Aug 04, 2019

  • My twins are 16mo and know 2dozen signs. Its amazing to be able to communicate with them, and have them tell me when they are hungry, thirsty, tired, cold, or in pain. We watch 1 episode each day. Jan 03, 2019

  • I nannied for three children who loved these videos and will be buying them for my baby. The videos are engaging for little ones and teach them communication. Helpful even after they start talking! Oct 12, 2018

    • Becca R.
    • United States of America

    LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! I used these DVDs in my classroom and will now watch them with my little one. Aug 31, 2018

    • Amber L.
    • Charlotte, North Carolina

    This is a great way for your child to learn sign language for early communication. My daughter has always asks for it. I did the digital version so I could have on the go through the app. Feb 21, 2018

  • This is a must have especially for moms with kids with special needs! The little girl I used to nanny had Down syndrome and this series is what helped us all communicate. Jan 03, 2018

    • Kat U.
    • Sydney/ Manly, Australia

    I don't recommend the dvds, but get the digital version from the website. If you have met Zoe, she is a signing Queen! She loves it and we loved how it gave us an ability to communicate with her. Jan 03, 2017

  • We got these from the library initially and started with just the first volume around 7 months. At 10 months, my son started attempting to sign back to me. Oct 08, 2016

  • Have been using this product with baby since he was 4 months old. He's almost 6 months and not signing yet. I love the bonding time we have using the signs when we watch the videos and read stories Mar 14, 2016

  • The original signing time videos are better. These have more animation which was too much stimulation for my little one. Feb 03, 2016

  • Our first 2 kids LOVED these (& they really helped! and not annoying!) and our 3rd just sped right past them. Jul 11, 2015

  • Baby signing time DVDs are fabulous! Sign language is taught to babies and children through songs, it is beneficial with speech, communication, and brain development. I highly recommend the entire series. Oct 07, 2014

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