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Reviews for

Reflo Smart Cup


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what parents are saying

Kelly R.

as seen on weelists

what parents are saying

  • Because of these cups, my kids have all been able to drink from open cups by 1 year old. Now that they are older, they are just good everyday cups. I recommend these to all of my friends with kids! Jan 25, 2021

  • I love that the insert comes out because my son started using these before a year old with the insert, but still uses these at over 2 years old as just a normal plastic cup, very versatile. May 28, 2019

  • Does its job in slowing the flow; however, my toddler was too interested in pulling out the cap which defeated the purpose ... Aug 16, 2015

  • Tried this around age 12mo. Not great then, since she wasn't good at putting the cup back standing up. And the insert comes out if the cup is knocked in certain ways. Maybe better once older. Jun 24, 2015

  • Free- flowing open cup Aug 27, 2014

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Parents' Reviews
  • Because of these cups, my kids have all been able to drink from open cups by 1 year old. Now that they are older, they are just good everyday cups. I recommend these to all of my friends with kids! Jan 25, 2021

  • I love that the insert comes out because my son started using these before a year old with the insert, but still uses these at over 2 years old as just a normal plastic cup, very versatile. May 28, 2019

  • Does its job in slowing the flow; however, my toddler was too interested in pulling out the cap which defeated the purpose ... Aug 16, 2015

  • Tried this around age 12mo. Not great then, since she wasn't good at putting the cup back standing up. And the insert comes out if the cup is knocked in certain ways. Maybe better once older. Jun 24, 2015

  • Free- flowing open cup Aug 27, 2014

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