what parents are saying
Super absorbant - easy to wash and dry. (Aug 11, 2014)
Meg M.
as seen on weelists
what parents are saying
- Holly H.
Lucas, Texas
I was not impressed with the fit of these. i had a hard time getting them in covers well to utilize properly. That may o=have just been user error. May 06, 2020
- Nicole P.
Arlington , New York
Holy absorbent! I bought these second hand a few months back and wow, they are excellent. Yes, they take longer to dry but they hold so much! Apr 13, 2018
- Secretly Expecting
Gresham, Oregon
These work great paired with a prefold for nighttime diapers. They add a lot of absorbency without adding a lot of bulk! Feb 11, 2015
- Kayla S.
Cranston, Rhode Island
favorite insert, more absorbant than mircrofiber and trim Aug 28, 2014
- Meg M.
Leeds, Alabama
Super absorbant - easy to wash and dry. Aug 11, 2014
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(including your friends’ reviews!)
- Holly H.
Lucas, Texas
I was not impressed with the fit of these. i had a hard time getting them in covers well to utilize properly. That may o=have just been user error. May 06, 2020
- Nicole P.
Arlington , New York
Holy absorbent! I bought these second hand a few months back and wow, they are excellent. Yes, they take longer to dry but they hold so much! Apr 13, 2018
- Secretly Expecting
Gresham, Oregon
These work great paired with a prefold for nighttime diapers. They add a lot of absorbency without adding a lot of bulk! Feb 11, 2015
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