what parents are saying
If you wait a week or two after to make your video, it will delete all the photos. I had to do this all over again, luckily I saved my pictures... still cute, just has a little quirk. (Oct 20, 2017)
Justine L.
Contact Us
If you wait a week or two after to make your video, it will delete all the photos. I had to do this all over again, luckily I saved my pictures... still cute, just has a little quirk. (Oct 20, 2017)
Justine L.
middletown, New Jersey
Easy to use but not a lot of options. Very basic filters, etc. Nov 06, 2017
Penacook, New Hampshire
If you wait a week or two after to make your video, it will delete all the photos. I had to do this all over again, luckily I saved my pictures... still cute, just has a little quirk. Oct 20, 2017
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