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Britax B Safe Infant Car Seat

LOVE: 520 NEUTRAL: 285
REGRET: 31 WANT: 250

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Alexandra M.

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LOVE: 520 NEUTRAL: 285
REGRET: 31 WANT: 250

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  • Q: Is this a good fit for smaller passenger sedans without lodging the passenger seat too far forward? No other car seats (2015 Mazda3 and 2001 Saturn SL1)

    asked by Kristin S. - Dec 03, 2015

  • Hi Kristin! We have a Saturn Astra and the Britax carseat fit perfectly in the car. During a carseat check by CA Highway Patrol we were advised to place the carseat in the middle car seat. On occasion we had the carseat behind passenger seat and it worked there as well.

    Christina H. - Dec 03, 2015

  • We have a Satun Ion, tiny car! It fits behind the passenger well, but tall people (>5'8") will be cramped. It does not fit in the center seat without hindering the driver seat, unless you are a short driver. Also, while I think you can fit 2 people in the back with the car seat in place, I wouldn't recommend any long road trips that way. We do it when we have visitors in town and manage just fine.

    Deb G. - Dec 04, 2015

  • We have this seat in our 2010 Honda Civic. We installed it in the middle with both seats all the way back. I'm 5'10" and my husband is over 6ft so we need the leg room. It was no issue at all. As for sitting in the back seat with it, it was a bit cramped but not a huge deal.

    Grace C. - Dec 04, 2015

  • I also have a smaller sedan and put ours in the middle. In the beginning, I thought the seat middle was annoying compared to my husbands car where the seat was behind the driver. In a matter of days, I realized that it was much easier to get my son in and out of the car in the middle, having the extra space (area behind driver) is especially nice in the winter

    Jackie S. - Dec 04, 2015

  • We have a Hyundai Sonata and installed it in the middle and had no problems with it that way. I don't know about how it would work with one of the other seats, but we have our convertible car seat behind the passenger seat now (also a Britax) and it works fine but did require moving the seat up a bit. Not uncomfortably so. Anyway, the middle is supposed to be the safest option.

    Erin P. - Dec 07, 2015


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