what parents are saying
Helped keep my son swaddled while leaving his legs open while napping on the swing. (Jul 24, 2014)
Czara B.
as seen on weelists
what parents are saying
- Anna P.
Houston, Texas
When it got too hot for swaddling blankets this was a life saver. This was indispensable for my baby's sleep in the first 4 months. If you have a swing napper who needs to be swaddled you need this. Aug 05, 2016
Helped so much with our daughter. Used from 3-5 months. Nov 14, 2014
Helped keep my son swaddled while leaving his legs open while napping on the swing. Jul 24, 2014
- Heather O.
Clive, Iowa
Great for naps because you can get it on super quick and doesn't require any clothing changes. My daughter gets hot so with this swaddle I never have to strip her down before a nap. Jan 30, 2014
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(including your friends’ reviews!)
- Kay L.
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Didn't work for us at all - our baby hated having it strapped around him Oct 17, 2015
- Anna P.
Houston, Texas
When it got too hot for swaddling blankets this was a life saver. This was indispensable for my baby's sleep in the first 4 months. If you have a swing napper who needs to be swaddled you need this. Aug 05, 2016
Helped so much with our daughter. Used from 3-5 months. Nov 14, 2014
Helped keep my son swaddled while leaving his legs open while napping on the swing. Jul 24, 2014
- Heather O.
Clive, Iowa
Great for naps because you can get it on super quick and doesn't require any clothing changes. My daughter gets hot so with this swaddle I never have to strip her down before a nap. Jan 30, 2014
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