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what parents are saying

Roopa L.

what parents are saying

    • Linn L.
    • 03833, New Hampshire

    This was a life saver in the first few weeks. It helped me remember when and how much my LO ate. I was pumping so I didn't use the breastfeeding features but it has those too! It tracks growth too! Dec 01, 2017

    • Roopa L.
    • Los Angeles, California

    This app is so helpful! After the free trial, if you buy a baby item on Amazon (through the app) you get the app for free! At least this was the case when I got it in Jan 2016. Jul 12, 2016

    • Ali B.
    • Cleveland, Ohio

    This is what I use for breastfeeding so I remember which side she ate from last and how long, etc. You can also add diaper changes, sleep time, milestones, etc. and gives you advice too! Oct 30, 2014

  • This app uses a timer to let you easily and accurately track every time you breastfeed, as well as info about diaper changes, growth, and sleep. So useful with a newborn when trying to keep track of every time he eats and poops. Jan 27, 2014

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    • Linn L.
    • 03833, New Hampshire

    This was a life saver in the first few weeks. It helped me remember when and how much my LO ate. I was pumping so I didn't use the breastfeeding features but it has those too! It tracks growth too! Dec 01, 2017

    • Roopa L.
    • Los Angeles, California

    This app is so helpful! After the free trial, if you buy a baby item on Amazon (through the app) you get the app for free! At least this was the case when I got it in Jan 2016. Jul 12, 2016

    • Ali B.
    • Cleveland, Ohio

    This is what I use for breastfeeding so I remember which side she ate from last and how long, etc. You can also add diaper changes, sleep time, milestones, etc. and gives you advice too! Oct 30, 2014

  • This app uses a timer to let you easily and accurately track every time you breastfeed, as well as info about diaper changes, growth, and sleep. So useful with a newborn when trying to keep track of every time he eats and poops. Jan 27, 2014

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