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  3. Reviews for oogaa Silicone Placemat
Reviews for

oogaa Silicone Placemat


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what parents are saying

Kendall H.

what parents are saying

  • Super cute and packable. I like to take this out to dinner and cover often less than clean tables! Dec 07, 2014

  • It is a great placemat but I don't use it often. I felt that my son didn't need one. He quickly learned to eat off regular plates at restaurants and I had wet wipes to clean off table tops. Aug 18, 2014

  • We have two of these, and don't use them. We tried, but the material is sticky and hard to clean. Feb 12, 2014

  • We have one in pink and love it. It fits in the bag well, washes great in the dishwasher and is slim enough when eating that she doesn't get distracted by it. She like sto point at the animals while she's waiting (bonus!) and I don't have to worry about the table being gross. It's great for when we don't want her to eat off the china plates in restaurants and can just step into the bathroom to rinse it off or wipe it down with a napkin, roll it up and wash it when we get home. When rolled, it also becomes a spyglass, trumpet, or drumstick - so valuable while waiting for food. =-) Oct 18, 2013

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  • Super cute and packable. I like to take this out to dinner and cover often less than clean tables! Dec 07, 2014

  • It is a great placemat but I don't use it often. I felt that my son didn't need one. He quickly learned to eat off regular plates at restaurants and I had wet wipes to clean off table tops. Aug 18, 2014

  • We have two of these, and don't use them. We tried, but the material is sticky and hard to clean. Feb 12, 2014

  • We have one in pink and love it. It fits in the bag well, washes great in the dishwasher and is slim enough when eating that she doesn't get distracted by it. She like sto point at the animals while she's waiting (bonus!) and I don't have to worry about the table being gross. It's great for when we don't want her to eat off the china plates in restaurants and can just step into the bathroom to rinse it off or wipe it down with a napkin, roll it up and wash it when we get home. When rolled, it also becomes a spyglass, trumpet, or drumstick - so valuable while waiting for food. =-) Oct 18, 2013

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