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Reviews for

Inglesina Fast Table Chair

LOVE: 691 NEUTRAL: 236
REGRET: 20 WANT: 1129

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what parents are saying

Lauren K.


One of the most versatile high chairs on the market, the Inglesina Fast Table chair is a must for parents on the go. It’s the most highly-rated on weeSpring for clip-on chairs as it attaches very securely to any table, even one with a lip underneath, and travels compactly in its built-in travel bag. Some parents even note that they’ve ditched the traditional high chair altogether in favor of this one.

The Catch: It’s made of a cloth material, so just wiping it down might not be enough and you’ll have to pop it in the wash.

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what parents are saying

LOVE: 691 NEUTRAL: 236
REGRET: 20 WANT: 1129

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  • Q: I like how this appears to not take up too much space at all. (Apartment living.) But I'm super paranoid about how sturdy it is and how sturdy my table needs to be to use it. Can anyone allay my fears?

    asked by Gilbert C. - Mar 25, 2014

  • I had the same concern about the sturdiness of the product and I absolutely love it. The chair is extremely sturdy and you really determine how tight you make it. I use this when we go out to eat and it has worked on every table we have tried it on. That being said, the table should be sturdy.

    Alece G. - Mar 25, 2014

  • I agree. Some of the other similar chairs don't seem sturdy, but this one is. My daughter is almost 2 and weighs 26 pounds and we still use it daily.

    Sara B. - Mar 25, 2014

  • It's a great chair. We use it regularly on a variety of tables and it's perfectly stable 2 years later. Now, I wouldn't try to use it on a folding card table, but a basic, sturdy table will be able to handle it. Keep your receipts--the only issue we've had is if the table has a large "lip" which might interfere with the ability of the clamps to adhere securely.

    Sarah N. - Mar 25, 2014

  • I would agree with the other responses; as long as you have a reasonably sturdy table (ie, not a card table), you should be fine. We have used ours in a variety of restaurants (we eat out and travel a lot) and I've never had a problem with instability. My daughter is now 18 mo, almost 24 lbs and she fits in it just fine, I know we'll get more use out of it even as she gets bigger.

    kelsea F. - Mar 28, 2014

  • I'd say if you're really worried, just order it from Amazon and test it out. You can always return it if you're not comfortable!

    kelsea F. - Mar 28, 2014

  • Q: Does this leave any markings on tables or damage wooden tables?

    asked by Kristin M. - Mar 24, 2014

  • For me, this has been a WINNER product. I have had it on my kitchen table for a year plus, and have had no markings or issues at all. Ive used it on other tables too, and have had no problems. I think this is a terrific product, and I often buy it as a gift for new parents- I LOVE it!

    Melissa P. - Mar 25, 2014

  • I agree, have never had a problem with it damaging a table. The "arms" that go on top of the table have hard rubber running along them that protects it from scratching, etc.

    kelsea F. - Mar 28, 2014


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