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Reviews for

Jujube Fuel Cell Reusable/Insulated Bottle Bag and Lunch Box


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what parents are saying

Leah H.

what parents are saying

  • I love Jujube fabrics: easy to wash & durable. We have one for my son, & I made sure to register for another one when I got pregnant with my daughter. Inside pocket is a simple, great addition. Jun 22, 2020

  • Used primarily for lunch vs milk storage. Completely collapsable and handle can be linked to anything. Small, waterproof zip pouch in lid for a syringe or two of medication or identifications. Mar 10, 2020

    • Leah H.
    • Christiana, Tennessee

    It’s not good at keeping things all day even with a freezer pack. I use it to take bottles to daycare but wouldn’t trust it going out and about. Great for storage. Oct 31, 2019

  • Bought one test drive it, loved it so much...I just bought another. You can use it as a lunchbox, a snackbag, a carry-case for your Baby Carrier (Ergo especially), and for diapering needs. The patterns are gorgeous, the handle unclips (so you can hook it to your stroller or your diaper bag), and it is machine washable. Oct 22, 2019

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Parents' Reviews
  • I love Jujube fabrics: easy to wash & durable. We have one for my son, & I made sure to register for another one when I got pregnant with my daughter. Inside pocket is a simple, great addition. Jun 22, 2020

  • Used primarily for lunch vs milk storage. Completely collapsable and handle can be linked to anything. Small, waterproof zip pouch in lid for a syringe or two of medication or identifications. Mar 10, 2020

    • Leah H.
    • Christiana, Tennessee

    It’s not good at keeping things all day even with a freezer pack. I use it to take bottles to daycare but wouldn’t trust it going out and about. Great for storage. Oct 31, 2019

  • Bought one test drive it, loved it so much...I just bought another. You can use it as a lunchbox, a snackbag, a carry-case for your Baby Carrier (Ergo especially), and for diapering needs. The patterns are gorgeous, the handle unclips (so you can hook it to your stroller or your diaper bag), and it is machine washable. Oct 22, 2019

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