what parents are saying
The most comfortable "mom" shoes I own! Look stylish and cute with skinny jeans but so comfortable! (Aug 29, 2019)
Carly S.
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The most comfortable "mom" shoes I own! Look stylish and cute with skinny jeans but so comfortable! (Aug 29, 2019)
Carly S.
Wyandotte, Michigan
The most comfortable "mom" shoes I own! Look stylish and cute with skinny jeans but so comfortable! Aug 29, 2019
madison, Wisconsin
Comfortable at first, but once your feet get warm and you may start to sweat, it causes painful blisters. Apr 14, 2019
Casper, Wyoming
Bought these when I was about 32 weeks pregnant wanting something supportive and comfortable but nice enough to wear with dress pants. These are awesome (though they do make your feet sweat). Apr 02, 2019
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