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Reviews for

Dr. Brown's Bottles

LOVE: 1867 NEUTRAL: 1123
REGRET: 536 WANT: 400

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Secretly Expecting


The saying goes “when baby isn’t happy, nobody's happy” and that definitely stands true when baby has gas. Que Dr. Brown’s bottles. With their vent technology designed to mimic breastfeeding and limit the amount of air baby can consume during a bottle feeding, they help to reduce gassiness, reflux, colic, spit-up and even burping. Parents love that they’re also available in glass and travel well.

The Catch: There are a few extra parts to this bottle, so be prepared to keep track of a extra pieces.

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what parents are saying

LOVE: 1867 NEUTRAL: 1123
REGRET: 536 WANT: 400

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