Shadeh G.
to a 17 month old and a 17 month old
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to a 17 month old and a 17 month old
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Shadeh has this!
"Not sure if I’d wear a small baby in the back just yet so I don’t know how useful this will be for us"
Shadeh regrets this!
"I wanted to love this so bad. It’s very heavy to wear both babies in the front. Kills my back every time and my twins aren’t that big "
Shadeh has this!
"Was super helpful for tandem breastfeeding and bottle feeding"
Shadeh loves this!
"Tried 2 double bassinets but I love how much more space this one has, take it swivels, and that the sides go down for easy pick up"
Shadeh loves this!
"At this point, I don’t even think I can sleep without it!"
Shadeh loves this!
"My twins will happily play independently in this for a good amount of time"
Shadeh loves this!
"So cute and sentimental "
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Shadeh wants this!
"Considering this because my double stroller is so wide"
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