Lynsey M.
Mom to a 22 month old
Haslett, Michigan
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Mom to a 22 month old
Haslett, Michigan
Car only
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Lynsey loves this!
"Our reflux baby is 6 months and only recently grew out of it enough to sleep on his back during naps (and more than a few hours at night!) These became vital to get him to sleep and get things done."
Lynsey loves this!
"Perfect to throw dirty clothes or bottles while on the go."
Lynsey loves this!
"super helpful in the car and my boy loves looking at himself if he hasn't dozed off"
Lynsey has this!
Lynsey has this!
"Overall this is great and I'm confident it keeps my little safe, but it's a bit bulky for small SUVs and we've resorted to only using one of our cars while traveling due to the bulk in the back seat."
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