Paula E.
Mom to a 2 year old
Delta, Colorado
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Mom to a 2 year old
Delta, Colorado
Car only
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Paula loves this!
"This was great in the winter and spring time. I love that the zippers allow for me to control the temperature better. The flap was not against baby's face. It was also easy to take off and put on."
Paula loves this!
"It stays moist. It does not take a lot of room so I can go anywhere with it. It also does a really good job without being too expensive. "
Paula has this!
"It was okay and somewhat worked. However, not as good as I would like and dried out quickly. "
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Paula wants this!
"I am thinking about getting this."
Paula wants this!
"Thinking about getting. "
Paula wants this!
"Thinking about getting "
Paula wants this!
"Thinking about getting "
Paula wants this!
"Thinking about getting "
Paula wants this!
"Thinking about getting "
Paula wants this!
"Thinking about getting "
Paula wants this!
"Thinking about getting this."
Paula wants this!
"Thinking about getting "
Paula wants this!
"I am interested in this."
Paula wants this!
"Thinking about getting "
Paula wants this!
"Thinking about getting one."
Paula wants this!
"Thinking about getting "
Paula wants this!
"Thinking about getting "
Paula wants this!
"Thinking about getting. "
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