Geeta L.
Mom to a 4 year old
Ottawa, Canada
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Mom to a 4 year old
Ottawa, Canada
Car only
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Geeta loves this!
"SO easy to pull toddler in and out of."
Geeta loves this!
"Very handy"
Geeta loves this!
"Not only are they eco friendly and well priced, the natural absorbent core holds more liquid (and keeps it away from baby) than conventional diapers"
Geeta loves this!
"Very good wipes, no issues with sensitivity. Comparable to water wipes."
Geeta regrets this!
"It didn't suit my child, it just wasted space for us."
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Geeta wants this!
"Would be a great way to encourage drawing without the mess!"
Geeta wants this!
"My LO would LOVE this!"
Geeta wants this!
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