what parents are saying
Cute and sturdy. The lever only controls the ladder circular motion but there is not automated mechanism to go up and down. You can still move it by hand though. (Jan 20, 2020)
Nadia M.
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Cute and sturdy. The lever only controls the ladder circular motion but there is not automated mechanism to go up and down. You can still move it by hand though. (Jan 20, 2020)
Nadia M.
Kirkland, Washington
Cute and sturdy. The lever only controls the ladder circular motion but there is not automated mechanism to go up and down. You can still move it by hand though. Jan 20, 2020
Mt. Olympus, Utah
So many neat little details! A great addition to the toy room. May 29, 2015
Davis, California
Good May 14, 2020
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