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Your search for the perfect Digital Thermometer is finally over.
This iProven Digital Thermometer is clinically tested and proven to be 100
accurate. The old mercury thermometers are no longer legal to sell and the
analogue thermometers that are still sold are easy to break. A good quality
Digital thermometer is the perfect solution.
iProven developed the DT-K117A Digital Thermometer with lots of care.
What makes the iProven Digital Thermometer stand out from the competition
is easy really. The algorithm that calculates the temperature is tweaked by a
group of scientists and medical staff to measure the correct temperature Quick
and Accurate under every circumstance. The focus was to get the highest
accuracy possible in the shortest period of time.
iProven's staff, all young parents that have to rely on trustworthy products, did
hundreds of tests next to the old trustworthy mercury thermometers and
approved production after 200 measurements in a row within the 0.2 degree
march with their old calibrated mercury thermometer. If you did this test with
us, you would agree that this Digital Thermometer is the best environmentally
responsible solution out there that is as trustworthy as the old mercury
thermometers that are no longer legal.
- Quick, it measures the temperature in less then 20 seconds.
- Reliable, due to the testing we did the quality is guaranteed
- Water Resistant
- Flexible Tip for the highest comfort possible
- Reads both C and F and can be switched easily.
To prove that we are absolutely certain you will love your Digital Thermometer,
we include a 40 day money back guarantee, no questions asked!
Order your Digital Thermometer today with peace of mind.
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