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  3. Reviews for Aleva Naturals Bamboo Baby Toy & Pacifier Wipes
Reviews for

Aleva Naturals Bamboo Baby Toy & Pacifier Wipes


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what parents are saying

Miriam R.

what parents are saying

  • Must have in the baby bag. It's a lifesaver. My baby likes to throw his toys sometimes... these wipes do a great job in cleaning his toys when we're out and about. Feb 01, 2020

  • These are a must for every diaper bag! Great way to quickly clean pacifiers and toys on the go! Sep 10, 2019

  • I wanted to love these but I used one once and it left a weird chemical smell behind. I'm nervous to use it now - why would a natural product smell like chemicals? Dec 23, 2017

    • Leah B.
    • HIGH RIVER, Canada

    Love these, used them with confidence on soothers and toys when were out and things got dropped on the floor. Apr 11, 2017

  • Was so in love with these for the diaper bag, discovered they are made in China and now I'm a little bit leery. too bad. Aug 05, 2014

  • Great for when you are on the go. A great diaper bag addition Feb 26, 2014

  • Great for when you're at a restaurant and all of your baby's toys end up on the ground. Clean ingredient list too, which is important because they are basically eating it! Feb 14, 2014

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  • Must have in the baby bag. It's a lifesaver. My baby likes to throw his toys sometimes... these wipes do a great job in cleaning his toys when we're out and about. Feb 01, 2020

  • These are a must for every diaper bag! Great way to quickly clean pacifiers and toys on the go! Sep 10, 2019

  • I wanted to love these but I used one once and it left a weird chemical smell behind. I'm nervous to use it now - why would a natural product smell like chemicals? Dec 23, 2017

    • Leah B.
    • HIGH RIVER, Canada

    Love these, used them with confidence on soothers and toys when were out and things got dropped on the floor. Apr 11, 2017

  • Was so in love with these for the diaper bag, discovered they are made in China and now I'm a little bit leery. too bad. Aug 05, 2014

  • Great for when you are on the go. A great diaper bag addition Feb 26, 2014

  • Great for when you're at a restaurant and all of your baby's toys end up on the ground. Clean ingredient list too, which is important because they are basically eating it! Feb 14, 2014

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