what parents are saying
THE BEST cough syrup, despite the slightly porn star sounding name (um, Chestal Honey?) (Feb 26, 2014)
Sarah N.
as seen on weelists
what parents are saying
- Secretly Expecting
United States of America
Thankfully we have only had to use this once, but it worked really well. May 27, 2015
- Monique T.
Phoenix, Arizona
My kids love this honey all natural Oct 06, 2014
- Cassandra R.
Salem, Oregon
Really helps with tiny coughs Aug 21, 2014
The only cough medicine safe for infants and wobblers. No guilt for Mom. Lots of relief for baby. Win-win. Feb 26, 2014
- Secretly Expecting
United States of America
Thankfully we have only had to use this once, but it worked really well. May 27, 2015
- Monique T.
Phoenix, Arizona
My kids love this honey all natural Oct 06, 2014
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