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  3. Reviews for YETI Rambler Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated Bottle with Cap
Reviews for

YETI Rambler Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated Bottle with Cap


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what parents are saying

Christina N.

what parents are saying

  • We have a collection of Yeti cups and mugs because they last forever. We are hikers so we use them all the time and the water stays cool all day long. May 11, 2023

  • We have a 18oz version of this for our 5 yr old for taking to school and it's well loved. Quality, keeps cold beverage all day and holds up after many drops on pavement!? Nov 19, 2020

  • Heavy, but durable. This bottle is really good at keeping temperature, I had to stop adding ice! I also like the additional caps that fit this bottle, especially the flip top with straw. Apr 20, 2020

  • Do you use Dr. Brown Bottles and travel around? This is my best kept secret. This actually fits the Dr. Brown bottle inside (without Yeti cap). Just fill it with the appropriate temperature 1/3 of the way and it maintains temp for hours! Mar 30, 2019

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Parents' Reviews
  • We have a collection of Yeti cups and mugs because they last forever. We are hikers so we use them all the time and the water stays cool all day long. May 11, 2023

  • We have a 18oz version of this for our 5 yr old for taking to school and it's well loved. Quality, keeps cold beverage all day and holds up after many drops on pavement!? Nov 19, 2020

  • Heavy, but durable. This bottle is really good at keeping temperature, I had to stop adding ice! I also like the additional caps that fit this bottle, especially the flip top with straw. Apr 20, 2020

  • Do you use Dr. Brown Bottles and travel around? This is my best kept secret. This actually fits the Dr. Brown bottle inside (without Yeti cap). Just fill it with the appropriate temperature 1/3 of the way and it maintains temp for hours! Mar 30, 2019

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