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  3. Reviews for Summer Infant Wide View 2.0 DUO Baby Monitor
Reviews for

Summer Infant Wide View 2.0 DUO Baby Monitor


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what parents are saying

Megan F.

what parents are saying

  • I have 2 cameras set up for both of my kids rooms. I love that it scans between the 2 rooms and has 2 way audio so I can tell them to go back to bed! Apr 30, 2019

    • Sarah B.
    • Hopewell Junction, New York

    Had this, with one camera, and it was replaced 3 times before I went with a different brand. Couldn't get the monitor to stay connected to the camera and the white noise was horrendous. Oct 26, 2017

    • Megan F.
    • Columbia , South Carolina

    It does it’s job well! Oct 18, 2017

  • This is great! Two cameras and can be set up in separate rooms, can talk bad, nightlight can be turned on or off, screen is portable, as long as you charged it, the features are great and didn't cost an arm and a leg, like some of the others. Sep 28, 2017

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Parents' Reviews
  • I have 2 cameras set up for both of my kids rooms. I love that it scans between the 2 rooms and has 2 way audio so I can tell them to go back to bed! Apr 30, 2019

    • Sarah B.
    • Hopewell Junction, New York

    Had this, with one camera, and it was replaced 3 times before I went with a different brand. Couldn't get the monitor to stay connected to the camera and the white noise was horrendous. Oct 26, 2017

    • Megan F.
    • Columbia , South Carolina

    It does it’s job well! Oct 18, 2017

  • This is great! Two cameras and can be set up in separate rooms, can talk bad, nightlight can be turned on or off, screen is portable, as long as you charged it, the features are great and didn't cost an arm and a leg, like some of the others. Sep 28, 2017

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