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what parents are saying

Carrie C.


There’s no shortage of newborn tracking apps on the market, but Smallnest stands out from crowd for its simplicity and intuitiveness (not to mention the fact that it is free). And then there’s its most winning feature: both parents (and any other caregiver) can all sync the info they’re inputting, so everyone stays in the loop on feedings, sleep, and diaper changes.

what parents are saying

  • Beautiful interface and easy to use - tracked everything with this app! Jul 08, 2021

    • Kelli O.
    • United States of America

    Love this app. Helps me keep track of feedings and nap times. It was a life saver during the early, sleepless weeks. Sep 08, 2014

  • Even though we're past the phase of really keeping track of everything, it's a great tool for sharing with my husband (I can start a sleep, he can end it) and nice at-a-glance for stats (# pees, poos) Aug 25, 2014

  • I really love that it calculates the number of times fed and potty in 24 hours, and how long it's been. Aug 20, 2014

  • I use this app all day everyday to keep track of my little one's feedings. I could keep track of diapers and naps on the app, but keeping track of feedings is all I'm using it for. Jun 26, 2014

    • Nina G.
    • New York, New York

    Helps my family and nanny stay organized and in the know at all times! Jun 23, 2014

  • This helped me out tremendously when my son was a new born. Just remembering which side I last fed him on was a challenge! This made things really easy! May 03, 2014

  • I love this app. It helps me keep track of everything with feedings, diapers, sleep, and best of all can be used by multiple users (including our nanny). Apr 17, 2014

  • Great app for keeping track of breastfeeding schedule. Great team, quick customer service. Mar 09, 2014

  • My only issue with this is that (as far as I can tell) it only works if you are on a wireless connection, so if you have no service, you have no access to your app. Jun 06, 2013

  • This super simple free but powerful app is a lifesaver for any parent with a 0-1 year old baby. I use it 15 times a day, and it easily connects with other parent/nanny so you can keep up on what baby's up to - wherever you are. May 24, 2013

  • Love this app, it's a lifesaver. Used it before I had issues with milk supply, and then when I did it was even more a lifesaver. Still use it today. May 24, 2013

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Parents' Reviews
  • Beautiful interface and easy to use - tracked everything with this app! Jul 08, 2021

    • Kelli O.
    • United States of America

    Love this app. Helps me keep track of feedings and nap times. It was a life saver during the early, sleepless weeks. Sep 08, 2014

  • Even though we're past the phase of really keeping track of everything, it's a great tool for sharing with my husband (I can start a sleep, he can end it) and nice at-a-glance for stats (# pees, poos) Aug 25, 2014

  • I really love that it calculates the number of times fed and potty in 24 hours, and how long it's been. Aug 20, 2014

  • I use this app all day everyday to keep track of my little one's feedings. I could keep track of diapers and naps on the app, but keeping track of feedings is all I'm using it for. Jun 26, 2014

    • Nina G.
    • New York, New York

    Helps my family and nanny stay organized and in the know at all times! Jun 23, 2014

  • This helped me out tremendously when my son was a new born. Just remembering which side I last fed him on was a challenge! This made things really easy! May 03, 2014

  • I love this app. It helps me keep track of everything with feedings, diapers, sleep, and best of all can be used by multiple users (including our nanny). Apr 17, 2014

  • Great app for keeping track of breastfeeding schedule. Great team, quick customer service. Mar 09, 2014

  • My only issue with this is that (as far as I can tell) it only works if you are on a wireless connection, so if you have no service, you have no access to your app. Jun 06, 2013

  • This super simple free but powerful app is a lifesaver for any parent with a 0-1 year old baby. I use it 15 times a day, and it easily connects with other parent/nanny so you can keep up on what baby's up to - wherever you are. May 24, 2013

  • Love this app, it's a lifesaver. Used it before I had issues with milk supply, and then when I did it was even more a lifesaver. Still use it today. May 24, 2013

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