Secretly Expecting
Talladega, Alabama
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Talladega, Alabama
Car only
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Secret loves this!
"The best system ever! I love being able to swap everything in and out so quickly and easily. Baby can stay in his car seat and then attach to the stroller with so much ease or swap to the bassinet!"
Secret loves this!
"I love that this carrier can unsnap all the way when baby falls asleep in it. I can literally lean over, unsnap everything and baby stays asleep, yet has been transitioned to an indoor sleeping spot!"
Secret has this!
"Got this used at a consignment sale and it was perfect for my babe! He was born super tiny and loved being held tight and close to mom!"
Secret has this!
"Best car seat ever for newborns! Easy to get him in and out of!"
Secret loves this!
"So easy to get the car seat in and out of the car! Love this product!"
Secret has this!
"Very nice for when baby is in the bassinet stroller. He was tiny and this helped him fit. However, it did make him rather hot once summer hit."
Secret loves this!
"Love ours! So nice to use at a local hit air balloon festival. It hauled all our bag chairs, coolers, diaper bag, etc. Then the baby had a place to rest safely during the event!"
Secret loves this!
"Love the sippygrip we have! It's so much easier to maintain babies items. We use it for teethers and toys, currently."
Secret loves this!
"This thing is SO great for hiking on a day trip! Start with the milk cold and it'll last all day! We had the blue one with a regular bottle nipple. LOVE this!! And ..... there are interchangeable top!"
Secret has this!
"I like this manual pump, however I struggled with major Carpal Tunnel issues both Pre- & Post Pregnancy. This worked for emergencies, but was hard for me to use exclusively. Would recommend a 2nd pump"
Secret has this!
"Love it so far! Has the convenient carrying bag with all the accessories!"
Secret has this!
Secret loves this!
"Love that it sticks to the high chair test or table while we're out!"
Secret regrets this!
"When my boy was teething, this helped him be calm and go to sleep at night! Wonderful product!"
Secret loves this!
"As we transition my baby to sleep sacks, this has been very helpful."
Secret regrets this!
"These didn't work well for my boy. He would wiggle an arm or two out through the gaps in the Velcro throughout the night. Also, they are shaped weird and didn't want to stay wrapped."
Secret loves this!
"Helped my baby sleep whenever he was restless!"
Secret loves this!
"Our absolute favorite swaddle! Baby loved this because he could suck on his hands when they were up!"
Secret loves this!
"This has been perfect for my baby. He was 5 lbs and super tiny on it, at first. Now he is 15 lbs and fills it very well! Comfy, soft and safe!"
Secret has this!
"Love this, however baby did get a little hot in it... even with all the flaps open and rolled up. I kept the mosquito screen zipped and he got blistering hot inside!"
Secret loves this!
"We have the elephant that is infused with lavender and it has been a lifesaver, especially in the first 3 months."
Want it? Need it? Or just considering? Keep track of your shopping list all in one place.
Secret wants this!
"Just looking around for baby #2"
Secret wants this!
"I really want to try this! Saw another parent wearing a toddler in it and I just might need something like this for my growing boy!!u"
Secret wants this!
"I saw another mom using this and was very intrigued!! I would love to try it out with my growing boy!"
Secret wants this!
"Would love to have this seat! Graco products have been the best for our family and baby is about to need the next size car seat! Would love to have something that will last several years!"
Secret wants this!
"Would love to try this car seat out, as my boy will need something bigger before too long. I'd love it to last until he won't need a seat anymore!"
Secret wants this!
"This is the Carseat we need for our growing boy!!"
Secret wants this!
"My boy gets hot really fast! I'd love to try this and see if it cools him down!"
Secret wants this!
"Our truck gets hot in the backseat and I have been looking for a solution. Maybe this would be it!!"
Secret wants this!
"Very practical!"
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
"Have seen ads for this and looks pretty cool!!"
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
"Looks really great for traveling according to the ads I've seen."
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
"We travel.....a LOT and I'd love to have this instead of the pack n play!!"
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
"I have and use Shout spray on every stain we get. It's been a miracle with baby stains. Would love to have some on-the-go wipes!"
Secret wants this!
"For down the road..."
Secret wants this!
"Some children I babysit have this and it is absolutely timeless!! Kids of all ages love it!!"
Secret wants this!
"I would love this for baby #2"
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
"Would be so helpful at the beach!!"
Secret wants this!
Secret wants this!
"Love the versatility and I feel my boy will love this when he gets older and more active!! "
Secret wants this!
"I imagine this would be more accurate than the under arm one I currently have and use."
Secret wants this!
"Would be helpful once he starts crawling/walking!!"
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