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  3. Reviews for Lenny Lamb Standard Onbuhimo (Coral Reef)
Reviews for

Lenny Lamb Standard Onbuhimo (Coral Reef)


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what parents are saying

Kay Z.

what parents are saying

  • Nice quality and soft fabric but it's hard to find the correct fit for it so that it's not hurting your shoulders May 06, 2023

  • Easy in and up, easy out. Beautiful colors, feels amazing in handle. With use it has been breaking in well and is becoming nice and soft and floppy. Will continue to use. Love the adjustable panel Oct 28, 2020

  • I love my L.L. carriers so much I bought my second after wearing my first the threads. Literally. These are supportive carriers that only get softer after use. They mold to the shape of baby and user. Jan 20, 2020

  • This was nice for a smaller back carry without the waist band. It allowed my baby to sit up higher and see more over my shoulder. As she got bigger though, it would hurt my shoulders. Oct 23, 2019

  • We absolutely loved/love (she still fits) our LennyLamb carriers. I was diagnosed with breast cancer when my daughter was 3 months old, these carriers kept us close and made it so easy to carry her. Aug 09, 2019

  • Best carrier! With no belly strap, no belly budges. So easy to adjust and get weight distributed correctly. The hood is a little tough to finagle while wearing but it's perfect for a napping babe. Feb 06, 2019

    • Kay Z.
    • Upland, California

    Love the ease of use and that there's no belly band to make you have a double muffin top when back wearing. There is a learning curve to comfortably hold baby on your back but totally worth it! Aug 16, 2018

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Parents' Reviews
  • Nice quality and soft fabric but it's hard to find the correct fit for it so that it's not hurting your shoulders May 06, 2023

  • Easy in and up, easy out. Beautiful colors, feels amazing in handle. With use it has been breaking in well and is becoming nice and soft and floppy. Will continue to use. Love the adjustable panel Oct 28, 2020

  • I love my L.L. carriers so much I bought my second after wearing my first the threads. Literally. These are supportive carriers that only get softer after use. They mold to the shape of baby and user. Jan 20, 2020

  • This was nice for a smaller back carry without the waist band. It allowed my baby to sit up higher and see more over my shoulder. As she got bigger though, it would hurt my shoulders. Oct 23, 2019

  • We absolutely loved/love (she still fits) our LennyLamb carriers. I was diagnosed with breast cancer when my daughter was 3 months old, these carriers kept us close and made it so easy to carry her. Aug 09, 2019

  • Best carrier! With no belly strap, no belly budges. So easy to adjust and get weight distributed correctly. The hood is a little tough to finagle while wearing but it's perfect for a napping babe. Feb 06, 2019

    • Kay Z.
    • Upland, California

    Love the ease of use and that there's no belly band to make you have a double muffin top when back wearing. There is a learning curve to comfortably hold baby on your back but totally worth it! Aug 16, 2018

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