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  3. Reviews for Radio Flyer Retro Rocket Ride On
Reviews for

Radio Flyer Retro Rocket Ride On


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what parents are saying

Kailey B.

as seen on weelists

what parents are saying

  • My toddler loves this rocket! There buttons that light up and make sounds. It’s easy for little legs to push around and is so adorable. Feb 10, 2021

  • Loved this for winter fun indoors! Jan 16, 2021

  • My son got this for his first birthday and he loved it! He can scoot himself around on it easily and loves the little buttons and sounds it makes! May 03, 2019

  • My son loves this rocket- he likes hiding stuff in the seat! He could get in and off of it by himself before he could walk, unlike some other toys. It’s always a hit when friends come over! Jan 28, 2019

  • My LO didn't like this at first but after many tries got used to it. Was to interested with moving around the house with it. Especially that it makes fast movements that feel like LO is going to fall May 01, 2018

  • My son LOVES his rocket! The sounds are annoying but when he has a huge smile I can’t complain. Oct 20, 2017

  • My daughter loves to ride this around the house and she keeps her pete the cat doll in the seat compartment Sep 28, 2017

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  • My toddler loves this rocket! There buttons that light up and make sounds. It’s easy for little legs to push around and is so adorable. Feb 10, 2021

  • Loved this for winter fun indoors! Jan 16, 2021

  • My son got this for his first birthday and he loved it! He can scoot himself around on it easily and loves the little buttons and sounds it makes! May 03, 2019

  • My son loves this rocket- he likes hiding stuff in the seat! He could get in and off of it by himself before he could walk, unlike some other toys. It’s always a hit when friends come over! Jan 28, 2019

  • My LO didn't like this at first but after many tries got used to it. Was to interested with moving around the house with it. Especially that it makes fast movements that feel like LO is going to fall May 01, 2018

  • My son LOVES his rocket! The sounds are annoying but when he has a huge smile I can’t complain. Oct 20, 2017

  • My daughter loves to ride this around the house and she keeps her pete the cat doll in the seat compartment Sep 28, 2017

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