Sue Z.
Mom to a 23 month old and 1 older child
North Potomac, Maryland
About: First time mom, son is 4.5 years old and daughter is 1. resides in DMV area, originally from NJ. Loves to travel and eat!
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Mom to a 23 month old and 1 older child
North Potomac, Maryland
Car only
About: First time mom, son is 4.5 years old and daughter is 1. resides in DMV area, originally from NJ. Loves to travel and eat!
Sue loves this!
"Contemplated getting this car seat for a while and so glad I finally decided to buy it. The quality and look of this car seat is great. My son loves it too! He is comfortable and sleeps well in it"
Sue loves this!
"Inexpensive cups that works! The lid stays on and is difficult for a child to remove. I flipped the cup upstairs down wIth water in it and it didn’t spill. Wish it has a straw stopper though."
Sue loves this!
"These things are great! Must have for toddlers. Helps keep snacks in place and I can control portion. must have for on the go"
Sue loves this!
"Love this toilet seat for 2 year old! He uses this to go number two on the toilet. Works soooo much better than using a potty. It is also much cleaner. Clean up is a breeze. Just flush and wipe seat."
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