Sue Z.
Mom to a 23 month old and 1 older child
North Potomac, Maryland
About: First time mom, son is 4.5 years old and daughter is 1. resides in DMV area, originally from NJ. Loves to travel and eat!
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Mom to a 23 month old and 1 older child
North Potomac, Maryland
Car only
About: First time mom, son is 4.5 years old and daughter is 1. resides in DMV area, originally from NJ. Loves to travel and eat!
Sue loves this!
"My son lovessss these! I tried some and they actually taste pretty good. I have to stop my son from eating the whole container in one seating. It gets pretty messy though. "
Sue loves this!
"Gave this to my son when he started solids at 5 months. Easy to prepare and great food to introduce. Healthy and good for the baby!"
Sue loves this!
"My baby lovessss these things! Keeps him quiet and still for a couple minutes. It dissolves right away in the baby’s mouth. Safe for little ones to eat. "
Sue loves this!
"Great utensils to feed toddler. Perfect size for them to self feed as well. Sturdy and good quality."
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