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Autumn W.

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LOVE: 3346 NEUTRAL: 1201
REGRET: 232 WANT: 842

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  • Q: How do you clean the pipe?

    asked by Noa D. - Feb 13, 2015

  • I've never cleaned the long tube because there's a filter on one end, but to clean the part that actually holds the snot, you can just detach it and run it under very hot water. I always try and clean it RIGHT after using it, because once the snot starts to dry, it's much harder to clean.

    Allyson D. - Feb 13, 2015

  • I would suggest cleaning it as soon as you use it with hot water and soap. Since there is a filter you shouldn't need to clean it everytime but probably smart to.

    Ariana B. - May 25, 2018

  • Q: This might seem gross but I don't ever seem to get much snot out when I try this on my daughter. Anyone have some tips? I've heard I should spray saline first...

    asked by Gillian L. - Mar 28, 2014

  • Try saline, and try using it after a warm bath. Sometimes that helps.

    Jaime B. - Mar 28, 2014

  • When my child is sick, I spray saline while she is lying down. Then I use the Nosefrieda with her sitting upright (me behind her) and it is always really productive.

    Dana D. - Mar 28, 2014

  • I usually do this after her bath, when the sinuses are clearer. Otherwise, I only use it when I hear her doing a lot of sniffling (so that the suction doesn't cause a bloody nose)/aka, there's snot to get out, and I usually put some saline in first to loosen things up.

    Anna T. - Mar 28, 2014

  • Here how it works best: spray saline in her nose - the mist rather than the squeeze bottle saline, for babies. Then immediately use the Nosefrida placing it just into the baby's nostril and wiggling it around as you "suck" the mucus out. You may think the yield is small, but consider how uncomfortable any amount is in your child's nose and be reassured.

    Caroline P. - Mar 28, 2014

  • saline really helps to loosen everything up. She'll absolutely hate it, but it will do the trick!

    Elizabeth L. - Mar 28, 2014

  • I've done it with and without saline and it's always been productive. It might not look like a lot but like Caroline P. said, any amount up there is uncomfortable when you don't know how to blow it out. I definitely suggest sitting up tho because it can go backwards too. Have a tissue handy to wipe away any excess snot.

    Jennifer S. - Mar 28, 2014

  • I've used it with and without a boogie wipe (saline covered disposable cloth) with good results both times-- sometimes the mucus is a large crusty ball, and when her nose is runny, it's usually a long stream of snot. I guess it depends on the consistency and quantity of mucus at the time you're using it. But as long as you're sucking hard (I can barely breathe while doing it), you're helping baby.

    Jill M. - Mar 28, 2014

  • Saline before does help. A humidifier in the baby's bedroom also helps by keeping the mucous moist. I think the best tip anyone can get is to suction the mouthpiece with your cheeks as if you were drinking from a straw, and not try to just use your lung power, because it will be more difficult. Also, sometimes pulling the nose piece away from the baby's nostril as you suction helps. I hope this helps. The nosefrida saved my sanity!

    Brittany H. - Mar 30, 2014

  • Yes try a saline drip in and give it a few seconds before you start to suction. I also reiterate make a firm seal around so you're not pulling just air through.

    Ariana B. - May 25, 2018

  • Q: Does it work any better than the bulbs I got from the hospital?

    asked by Mimi B. - Mar 24, 2014

  • A hundred million times better... the bulb gave my son a bloody nose AND they get all gross and moldy inside.

    Allyson D. - Mar 25, 2014

  • Yes - it is the only thing that works!

    Jessica C. - Mar 28, 2014

  • MUCH better, just make sure to change the filters after a use or a day so that there is no bacteria build up.

    Ariana B. - May 25, 2018


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