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  1. Eat
  2. Teething
  3. Reviews for Chewbeads
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LOVE: 170 NEUTRAL: 110
REGRET: 32 WANT: 270

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what parents are saying

Julie S.


This silicone teething toy is cleverly disguised as a cute, chunky necklace for mom. Whether you wear it around your neck or clip it to the side of the car seat or stroller, a teether that won’t fall to the ground is a real winner even if it does, it’s dishwasher safe, so easy to sanitize. You can choose a style that fits your look because these beads are available in a variety of bright colors and shapes. Earlier versions sometimes snagged on long hair, but the company has since updated the design to avoid that.

what parents are saying

LOVE: 170 NEUTRAL: 110
REGRET: 32 WANT: 270

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