what parents are saying
We use Urbansitter for most date night sitters. The app is great for scheduling while on the go or paying the sitter as you're crashing after a great night out. (Aug 05, 2015)
Elizabeth T.
weeSpring parents are all about UrbanSitter, a site that connects you to babysitters in your area, recommended by people you know. Read detailed profiles and reviews from friends, schedule, and pay online or through their app.
Read more about why weeLove it.
as seen on weelists
what parents are saying
Good to have this in your diaper bag. It keeps my diaper bag organized Oct 29, 2021
- Yael H.
Boston, Massachusetts
I like this platform the best but so far the sitters haven't worked out. Sep 24, 2013
Need a babysitter? UrbanSitter allows you to browse through babysitters in your city. View profiles, check out their picture, rating, and availability. And with the cool Facebook plug-in feature, you can see which of your friends have used a specific sitter making background checks a cinch! May 14, 2013
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